In the reading “Happiness In Education” Tal Ben-Shahar describes his two models of student motivation as the drowning model, and the lovemaking model. The drowning model is the feeling of one day being free from the stress of school, or that once we are free from it, we believe we are happier. Students feel pressured about school, and that can really set them back, and cause them to do things that will affect their education. The lovemaking model, on the other hand, is loving every moment of our education along the way. They feel that enthusiasm when they sit in a classroom, and enjoy everything about the work they are given.
Happiness in education is something that a lot of students lack. They lack motivation, and even some are often confused about why they are in school to begin with. What is it about school and education that can cause students to feel bored and unhappy? Some students question themselves about why they even bother showing up to school. I believe that these feelings we get revolve around situations that take place in the classroom, as well as in our very own household. I used to be one of those students, but after taking off 2 years from school, I was anxious to return. Now that I am back in school, I think about the ways that I can stay happy in school and never lose my motivation.
Being in school, I have found that being able to feel comfortable in a classroom, helps to keep me motivated, and wanting to learn. Being in a classroom where everyone’s ideas can be expressed excites me. I love hearing other people’s point of view on certain topics. When I am given a topic to write about, I like to really think it through. I take my time to write my thoughts down, and later organize them into a paper. I am most comfortable when I am given clear direction, but also being able to have some freedom to express my ideas. I, also, have noticed that I am a quick learner. I learn best when I am able to get a complete understanding of what is being taught.
Another thing that I feel is most important, to me, is being able to socialize in school. I love the idea of working in groups, as well as working alone. Sitting in a classroom full of students, it is a good way to not only get to know them, but also a good way to learn. You can learn so many things from your peers, as well as your teachers and professors. Being around other students who are just as motivated as you are, can help you continue to feel happy about school.
I know that if I didn’t have the opportunity to go back to school, I wouldn’t be happy. I love being in an environment where I can learn so many different things, aside from what is being taught. Now, being in school, feeling this sense of comfort makes me eager to learn. After reading “Happiness In Education” I realized that I am on the lovemaking side of motivation in education. I enjoy doing my classwork, and going home and completing my assignments for class. When I sit in the classroom, I am prepared to listen and learn. I honestly never thought that I’d be able to get that feeling again when it came to being in school. I really can’t remember the last time I was actually happy in school, but now that I am I plan on doing my best, and proving to myself that I can be successful. Right now, there’s absolutely nothing I would change.
Hi Marilyn,
ReplyDeleteThis is well-written and clear. Try to use the model for introductions where you present your own argument and then let readers know "how" it will proceed (the essay blueprint). Here, you use the intro to summarize and idea. What is your main point?
I see that her main point is the she's happy in school now after being away for a while. I like that line where you said "freedom to express my ideas" i think that is a realy important thing to learn and feel comfortable in class. What I dont see is anything againts education or something that will make it better for you.