Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happiness and Health Paper

         Being healthy is a very important factor to living a longer life. Being healthy also makes a lot of people feel good about themselves, which makes them happier. It is known that being in a state of depression, or having negative thoughts, can affect someone’s health in the worst way. If it has been proven that negative emotions can have a bad effect on people’s health, can positive emotions do the opposite? Many people have conducted studies to show that being happy, or just simply laughing, can affect people’s health for the better. Most people fail to see that being happy can do more than just lift their mood. People who are happier tend to be healthier than those who are not. Being around the people they love, showing appreciation to others, or simply laughing can bring many happiness to people which can have a great effect on their health.                      
         A positive mindset brings the best out of people, and those with a healthy mind tend to be physically healthier. Happier people do more to care about their bodies and care more about their physical appearance. They eat healthier and may even do a lot of activities which can be very good for them. A lot of people do not know that doing some of the simple things that make them even a little happier can surely have more of a positive effect on their bodies. “…Researchers are finding that strategies that improve mental health may also boost physical health by, for example, shielding the heart from stress and enhancing the immune system”. (Happiness and Health). Doing things that bring up their moods reduces stress that can become a health factor to many.             
          Simple things such as spending time with loved ones can change someone’s mood to a happier one, which will also make them healthier. Many people who feel lonely, or feel they don’t have a purpose tend to be less healthy than those who are surrounded and supported by loved ones. “Chronic loneliness is associated with higher rates of high blood pressure, inactivity, smoking, and stress, according to several studies”. (Happier and healthier). Nobody wants to be lonely and having a sense of comfort and love with other people does, in fact, make them happier. Someone who is hospitalized may be more likely to recover faster with the love and support of their family and friends.                                      
           It is also important to always be grateful to people, because gratitude can also make people feel better about themselves. “Gratitude exercises can do more than lift one’s mood…psychologist Robert Emmons found they improve physical health, raise energy levels, and for patients with neuromuscular disease, relieve pain and fatigue”. (The New Science). Showing appreciation for others does not only make the other person feel better, it also has an effect on their mental health. Happiness is key when it comes to being healthier. “When you’re happy your body releases feel-good neurochemicals, which can have numerous favorable effects on the body”. (12 Power Health Moves).                                                                                              Some say “Laughter is the best medicine”. To many, this is very true, while others do not believe that laughter has the ability to change their mood from angry or sad, to happy. There are many who believe that laughter is nothing more than “unnecessary and vulgar” (qtd. in Khatchadourian, 84). Raffi Khatchadourian writes about a doctor named Madan Lal Kataria, also known as the “Laughing Guru”. Kataria devotes his life to helping people laugh, believing that laughter does improve people’s health. He “…promotes laughter as a cure for just about any ailement--physical, psychological, or spiritual”. (Khatchadourian, 77). He gathers in a room with a group of strangers and they perform an exercise called “Gradient Laughter”, where they just stand around and laugh, and eventually the fake laughter becomes real. According to Kataria, the body does not know the difference between both laughs, but they can both have good effects on physical health. Kataria believes that “Going through the motions of laughter, he said, would not only improve one’s mood…but enhance physical well-being”. Although there are no scientific facts to support this particular belief, there are studies that show that laughter can actually help people to lead healthier lives, and may even increase their life span. “A good laugh can be good for your heart. One recent study from the University of Texas at Austin found that those who chuckled while watching a comedy increased the dilation of blood vessels by one-fifth for up to 24 hours”. (12 Power Health Moves).                                                                                               Many people lose sight of the important things in life that can bring up their spirits. They prefer to be upset about the things they don’t have, or think their life is over when battling with an illness. Being happy can definitely help a person lead a much longer and healthier life. Happiness is very essential in people’s health, and although they may not believe it, there are so many simple ways to bring about such happiness. Always thinking positive is a very important factor to being that much happier.

Can happier people be healthier?

     Happiness is very important to a lot of people. A lot of them don't realize that being happy can actually increase your health. People who are happier can be healthier than those who are not. Many can go under a lot of stress which can bring about many health factors in one's life.
     People who are happier have a healthier mind, therefore many positive changes can occur in the body. An article title "Happier and Healthier" states that "...researchers are finding that strategies that improve mental health may also boost physical health by , for example, shielding the heart from stress and enhancing the immune system". Stress is one main reason why many health issues may come about. Having a positive mentality can make us happier, and cause to be that much healthier. Happier people tend to care more about themselves so they will take extra care of their bodies.
     Another way that people can be healthier is by laughing. "Laugh. That may reduce stress, help maintain a healthy immune system and improve arterial blood flow". (Happier and Healthier).There have been many studies that show that laughter can actually help to improve physical health. Dr. Kataria, also known as the "Laughing Guru" devotes himself to bringing laughter to many people. He gathers with a group of strangers and they do nothing but laugh out loud. Eventually the fake laughter becomes real and helps to lift their moods. He believes that by simply laughing, people can be happier which can increase their health.
     Happier people can be healthier than those who are not. Doing things to improve your mental health can have many positive effects on your physical health.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happiness and Health Draft

     Being healthy is a very important factor to living a longer life. Being healthy also makes a lot of people feel good about themselves, which makes them happier. It is known that being in a state of depression, or having negative thoughts, can affect someone’s health in the worst way. What a lot of them don’t see is that being happy and having positive thoughts, can actually improve their health in many ways. Being around the people they love, and showing appreciation to others, can bring many happiness to people which can have a great effect on their health. Although many people argue the complete opposite, many people have conducted studies to show that being happy, or just simply laughing, can affect people’s health for the better.
     “…Negative thoughts can be harmful to your health and might even shorten your life span’”. (Enrenreich, 72). Many people suffer a lot due to the negativity they hold in their lives. They go through life with a very pessimistic outlook not realizing that this very attitude can have bad affects on their health. Being diagnosed with a severe illness can cause many people into a state of depression, which is known to be very unhealthy. Stress also brings about health issues in people. If it has been proven that a negative attitude can have negative affects on people’s lives, why don’t they do the opposite and be more positive? A positive mindset brings the best out of people, and those with a healthy mind tend to be physically healthier. “…researchers are finding that strategies that improve mental health may also boost physical health by, for example, shielding the heart from stress and enhancing the immune system”. (Happiness and Health).
     Some say “Laughter is the best medicine”. To many, this is very true, while others do not believe that laughter has the ability to change their mood from angry or sad, to happy. There are many who believe that laughter is nothing more than “unnecessary and vulgar” (qtd. in Khatchadourian, 84). Raffi Khatchadourian writes about a doctor named Madan Lal Kataria, also known as the “Laughing Guru”. Kataria devotes his life to helping people laugh, believing that laughter does improve people’s health. He “…promotes laughter as a cure for just about any ailement--physical, psychological, or spiritual”. (Khatchadourian, 77). Kataria believes that “Going through the motions of laughter, he said, would not only improve one’s mood…but enhance physical well-being”. Although there are no scientific facts to support this particular belief, there are studies that show that laughter can actually help people to lead healthier lives. “A good laugh can be good for your heart. One recent study from the University of Texas at Austin found that those who chuckled while watching a comedy increased the dilation of blood vessels by one-fifth for up to 24 hours”. (12 Power Health Moves). Kataria gathers in a room with a group of strangers and they perform an exercise called “Gradient Laughter”, where they just stand around and laugh, and eventually the fake laughter becomes real. According to Kataria, the body does not know the difference between both laughs, but they can both have good effects on physical health.
     Simple things such as spending time with loved ones, or showing someone gratitude can change someone’s mood to a more happy one, which will also make them healthier. Many people who feel lonely, or feel they don’t have a purpose tend to be less healthier than those who are surrounded and supported by loved ones. “Chronic loneliness is associated with higher rates of high blood pressure, inactivity, smoking, and stress, according to several studies”. (Happier and healthier). Nobody wants to be lonely and having a sense of comfort and love with other people does, in fact, make them happier. Someone who is hospitalized may be more likely to recover faster with the love and support of their family and friends.
     It is also important to always be grateful to people, because gratitude can also make people feel better about themselves. “Gratitude exercises can do more than lift one’s mood…psychologist Robert Emmons found they improve physical health, raise energy levels, and for patients with neuromuscular disease, relieve pain and fatigue”. (The New Science). Showing appreciation for others does not only make the other person feel better, it also has an affect on their mental health. Happiness is key when it comes to being healthier. “When you’re happy your body releases feel-good neaurochemicals, which can have numerous favorable effects on the body”. (12 Power Health moves).
     Many people lose sight of the important things in life that can bring up their spirits. They prefer to be upset about the things they don’t have, or think their life is over when battling with an illness. Being happy can definitely help a person lead a much longer and healthier life. Happiness is very essential in people’s health, and although they may not believe it, there are so many simple ways to bring about such happiness. Always thinking positively is a very important factor to being that much more happier.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blog 7

     A few years ago, I made so many careless mistakes. One of my biggest ones, was taking the people I cared the most about for granted. My brother passed away when I was 14 and, until this day, I still feel like I didn’t do my best to have a stronger relationship with him. Ever since then, I made a promise that I will never take the things I am given, for granted.
     The first thing I am most grateful for is my family. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. My parents have always been there for me when I needed them, and always did what they had to do to provide us with everything we needed. My father, despite his condition, always got up for work and never let his illness get to him. I am also grateful for all of the things they have provided for me. I am grateful for my best friends, Shatyka, Stephanie, and Ronnell. They’re always there when I need somebody to talk to, and never judged me when I made careless decisions. I can count on them for anything. I am grateful for Lawrence. Ever since he came into my life, I have made so many positive changes. He helped me open up my eyes, and notice the real beauty within me. He taught me that I don’t need anyone to make me happy, but that being content with myself was enough to keep me happy. I am grateful for Jonathan. Even though, we’re going through some things, I can never forget the friend that he has been to me. I am grateful for having the opportunity to have an education. A lot of people aren’t able to further their education, and the fact that I am here and doing so well is something I am truly proud of.
     I have learned not to take things for granted. Life is too short and I know that I need to be grateful for everything, and everyone, I have around me. No one is granted another day, so as long as I’m here, I’m going to love and appreciate all of those around me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Relationships Paper Draft

     Many people base their happiness on the relationships they build throughout their lives.  Although a lot of people can lead happy lives, many of them feel that what they have is not enough. There are many people who go through life thinking that they need someone to complete them. Some people make themselves believe that being romantically involved with somebody will bring them long term happiness, not realizing that all relationships are not easy, nor necessary to find that great feeling they search so hard for. There are so many other ways in which we can obtain the same happiness that we would get from being in a romantic relationship, such as work, or relationships with family and friends. Therefore, people do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy. Singles can be just as happy, or happier, than those who are in relationships, or even those who are married.
     One big issue among many single people, especially women, is that they believe that they need someone there to give them the love they long for so that they can be happy. Often they go around looking at other couples, and see them as happy and somehow wish that they could be in that position. Women often suffer a lot internally because they lack a man in their life. They get jealous of those who are in relationships, and even struggle with their own self-esteem because of it. They walk around feeling low, thinking something is really wrong with them, when in reality the only thing that’s wrong, is the fact that they have their mind set on the idea that finding a partner is something that they really need. “There is no other topic that is written about more (in poetry, fiction, or nonfiction) or discussed more (in cafes, schools, online, or on the couch) than romantic love-the passionate attachment between two people. There is also no other topic as deeply misunderstood.” (Ben-Shahar). These couples, that these women see as happy, may not even be as happy as they seem. Relationships are very complicated, and people don’t think about that side when they jump in them. They also confuse the idea of wanting a relationship with believing that they actually need one.     
     Anne Becker expresses, in her article, the ideas that married people are not happier than singles. Many people devote their time, and energy, to finding someone who they feel will make them happy. They do many things like go on blind dates, internet dating sites, or even go out to social events in hopes of finding “Mr. or Mrs. Right.” The biggest mistake they all make is not realizing that being in a relationship is not the main road to happiness. “Getting married is not necessarily the key to achieving eternal bliss. Most people were no more satisfied with life after marriage than they were prior to marriage…” (Ben-Shahar). There are so many single people who are just as happy, or even happier, than those who are married, or romantically involved with somebody else. In the Sunday Times, an article shows that “Single people questioned about their lifestyles said that a busy working life created opportunities for greater self-esteem and 83 per cent said that having a good career was more important for single people than those who were married or cohabiting.” It is proven that many single people feel it is more important to have a set career, than to get married. A lot of people also believe that getting married, does not necessarily bring you a long term state of happiness. “Results conclusively showed that though people react strongly to events such as marriage, they return to their personal ‘set point of happiness’ after a certain period of time.” (Becker). If we somehow return to our original state of happiness, why do single people believe so strongly in their minds, that a relationship, or marriage, will make them happier? The fact that the excitement of marriage doesn’t last as long, is also an example of how we believe something will make us happier than it really does, also known as the “impact bias”, mentioned in Jon Gertner’s article.
     Other relationships, like those with your family and friends, can be very essential to being happy as well, but many are blinded but the idea of finding love, that we forget who we already have around us. A lot of people tend to take their loved ones for granted because they feel like they’re always going to be around for them. People look so hard for relationships and when they don’t work out, we go to our friends or family to comfort us. Why do we feel like these romantic relationships will make us happier, when, in all reality, our friends and family are the ones who make us feel better when things go wrong? If it weren’t for these other relationships, when we go through a break up, we wouldn’t have anybody to turn to. “Without friendship, Aristotle writes, no happiness is possible.” (Ben-Shahar).  In all reality, everyone needs someone who is going to always gives us that support, but we can’t always depend on a boy/girlfriend to always be that person for us. One article shows how single women actually have better friendships than those who are married, because they have more time to spend with their loved ones. “You have better friendships. Significant others are a wonderful thing, no doubt, but friends count, too. And on that front, one study found that, when women get married and have children, they spend much less time with their friends-less than five hours a week, down from 14 hours. Singles, however, often have the greatest sense of friendship and community-which can actually decrease stress levels, according to researchers at UCLA.” (Women: Better Off Being Married or Single?).
     Being in a romantic relationship is not a bad thing. If the opportunity comes along and you meet someone worthy of your time, take a chance. Many people can get married and be very happy, however, a relationship is not something that is definitely needed for happiness. People do not need to put in so much time in to trying to find that perfect someone for them. Sometimes when people try extra hard to find a relationship in order to be happy, they miss out on a lot of other great things. People have other ways of getting that satisfaction that they want to feel, from work or friendships. Romantic relationships can come and go, but your true loved ones will always be there. We need to stop devoting our time trying to find things to make us happy, and appreciate all of the things we already have.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Relationships and Happiness Blog 5

     Tal Ben-Shahar speaks about love and sacrifice, where someone gives up something essential to their happiness in order to be with another person. In my experience, I believe that so many people make that mistake in practically giving up so much of themselves to make the other person happy. A lot of people struggle with being able to keep their partner happy, as well as remaining happy themselves. I believe it’s so true when people say “How can you make someone else happy, when you, yourself, are not?”. If we are not content with ourselves, and are able to sacrifice a part of us for someone else, how long can we really stay happy in the relationship?
     I was once in a relationship where I did almost everything to keep my boyfriend happy. The relationship started out great, but later on the deeper in love I fell, the more vulnerable I became. I basically became a whole new person, just to try and be the perfect girl for him. My family and friends are the most important thing in my life, but at the time, he came first to me. I even did things like push my family to the side for him. My relationships with everyone else were fading because of the changes I made to be with him. I, also, became submissive and allowed him to walk all over me because I was afraid that standing up for myself would cause an argument bad enough to make him leave me. So many people, I see, whether it be my friends, or just hearing stories, do the same. They become this whole new character in order to keep what they have a fear of losing. Love isn’t about changing yourself to suit his/her needs. If you feel as if you need to change something to be with someone, then maybe it isn’t worth it. I came to that realization a year after, and after seeing me for who I really was, he couldn’t stand it. That’s when I knew that he wasn’t worth it, and that I would never make that same mistake again.
     Many people go through life searching for that one person who will love them unconditionally, and make them happy. Someone they can feel comfortable around who can be there best friend and their lover. I used to be one of those people who believed that I needed to find a guy that will love me for me in order to be happy. Now I know that being with somebody is not what happiness is all about. Romantic relationships can be very complicated, and a lot of people fail to see that. I have seen so many, besides myself, feel trapped in relationships, and feel as if there’s no way out. We make the mistake in focusing so much of our time trying to find someone that will make us happy, and we fail to see, and appreciate, who we have around us already.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happiness and Work Blog 4

     A lot of people, today, make the mistake of following a career that, they know, may not bring them happiness in the future. In Tony Robbins video, he talks about, what he calls, the needs of the spirit. The needs of the spirit is for us to be able to grow, and to contribute beyond ourselves. I think that both of these are required when seeking a long term career, and finding that happiness with what you plan to do for the rest of your life.
     So many people get confused about what they plan to do with their lives. Before I decided to major in Veterinary Technology, I had a whole list of things that I wanted to do. I wasn’t sure how I was going to decide which career was best for me. Before applying to LaGuardia, I noticed how great my love for animals is, and realized that this is something that I feel I can do and be very happy. Most people choose careers in which they feel they can make the most money, or some do it to please other people, such as their parents. I think Tony Robbins made a good point with his “needs of the spirit”, because one should always have room to grow in a career they chose out for themselves. If you plan on being there for a long time, you have to have the opportunity to better yourself in every aspect. I know that I want to be able to have that opportunity to learn many things, and grow as well. Being a vet will bring me a lot of happiness, because I know that I’m not only pleasing myself, but I will be making others happy as well, which is very important to me. I know that I will be able to contribute beyond myself, not only in my profession, but in general.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happiness in Education Blog 3

      Happiness in education is very important in order to be able to stay motivated in school. A lot of students lack happiness in school. They lack motivation, and even some are often confused about why they are in school to begin with. In the reading “Happiness In Education” Tal Ben-Shahar describes his two models of student motivation as the drowning model, and the lovemaking model. The drowning model is the feeling of one day being free from the stress of school, or that once we are free from it, we believe we are happier. Students feel pressured about school, and that can really set them back, and cause them to do things that will affect their education. The lovemaking model, on the other hand, is loving every moment of our education along the way. Students feel that enthusiasm when they sit in a classroom, and enjoy everything about the work they are given. Every student, however, has their own reason why they are not completely happy in school, and different ideas on how they can be happier. What can we do, as students, to keep us motivated and happy in school? Although, we may not be able to change everything we dislike about school, there are ways we can make our school experiences worth our while. I have realized that being able to get a complete understanding of what I learn, being comfortable in a classroom, and being able to express my own ideas will make me happier in school.    
     Often, in my classes, I have had teachers who fly by subjects so fast, that it makes it hard for anybody to learn. In order for me to be able to move on, I have to feel like I was able to get a complete understanding of what was being taught. Not all teachers will stop their lesson to continuously go back for one student. I have learned that it is better for me not to be afraid to ask questions. How else will I understand if I don’t ask? Once I understand things a little better, I feel a lot better. If I have one of those teachers that does not really take the time to explain things, I have to try and figure it out. There are times where I feel like I didn’t understand everything, so I go back to my notes from that day, or I research it. I do a lot of research because I love that feeling of having learned about something that I had no intentions of learning about when I started looking things up. I like doing projects and assignments that require research, because it is a good way for me to learn a lot of new things.  I love to learn, and I always need to be sure I know everything there is to know about a particular topic. I am a quick learner, but I have to have that clear understanding to able to catch on.
     Being in school, I have found that being able to feel comfortable in a classroom, also helps to keep me motivated, and wanting to learn. Being in a classroom where everyone’s ideas can be expressed excites me. You never know what you can learn from another classmates point of view. To me, socializing in school can be a good way to stay focused. I love the idea of working in groups, as well as working alone. I love hearing other people’s point of view on certain topics. Sharing ideas with your teachers and fellow classmates is a good way to express yourself, and also a good way to learn. It also helps give students a feeling of importance in school. It is always important for a student to know that his/her voice is being heard. Sometimes, I feel that I am most comfortable when I am given clear direction, but also being able to have some freedom to express my ideas. When I am given a topic to write about, I like to really think it through. I take my time to write my thoughts down, and later organize them into a paper. I do the same when I am listening to someone speak, or watching an educational video for class. My mind tends to scatter in so many directions, so I get a piece of paper, and write everything down so that I don’t lose my train of thought.
     A lot of students struggle with being happy in school, and don’t realize that there are things that they can do to make their school experience a little more interesting. So many students get stuck in the drowning side of motivation because they feel that a better school experience is not in their power. No student should be bored or confused about why they are in school. I know that if I didn’t have the opportunity to go back to school, I wouldn’t be happy. I love being in an environment where I can learn so many different things, aside from what is being taught. Now, being in school, feeling this sense of comfort makes me eager to learn. After reading “Happiness In Education” I realized that I am on the lovemaking side of motivation in education. I enjoy doing my classwork, and going home and completing my assignments for class. When I sit in the classroom, I am prepared to listen and learn. I honestly never thought that I’d be able to get that feeling again when it came to being in school. I really can’t remember the last time I was actually happy in school, but now that I am I plan on doing my best, and proving to myself that I can be successful. Right now, there’s absolutely nothing I would change. After taking 2 years off from school, I was anxious to return. Now that I am back in school, I think about the ways that I can stay happy in school and never lose my motivation.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog 2: Happiness In Education

     In the reading “Happiness In Education” Tal Ben-Shahar describes his two models of student motivation as the drowning model, and the lovemaking model. The drowning model is the feeling of one day being free from the stress of school, or that once we are free from it, we believe we are happier. Students feel pressured about school, and that can really set them back, and cause them to do things that will affect their education. The lovemaking model, on the other hand, is loving every moment of our education along the way. They feel that enthusiasm when they sit in a classroom, and enjoy everything about the work they are given.
     Happiness in education is something that a lot of students lack. They lack motivation, and even some are often confused about why they are in school to begin with. What is it about school and education that can cause students to feel bored and unhappy? Some students question themselves about why they even bother showing up to school. I believe that these feelings we get revolve around situations that take place in the classroom, as well as in our very own household. I used to be one of those students, but after taking off 2 years from school, I was anxious to return. Now that I am back in school, I think about the ways that I can stay happy in school and never lose my motivation.
      Being in school, I have found that being able to feel comfortable in a classroom, helps to keep me motivated, and wanting to learn. Being in a classroom where everyone’s ideas can be expressed excites me. I love hearing other people’s point of view on certain topics. When I am given a topic to write about, I like to really think it through. I take my time to write my thoughts down, and later organize them into a paper. I am most comfortable when I am given clear direction, but also being able to have some freedom to express my ideas. I, also, have noticed that I am a quick learner. I learn best when I am able to get a complete understanding of what is being taught.
     Another thing that I feel is most important, to me, is being able to socialize in school. I love the idea of working in groups, as well as working alone. Sitting in a classroom full of students, it is a good way to not only get to know them, but also a good way to learn. You can learn so many things from your peers, as well as your teachers and professors. Being around other students who are just as motivated as you are, can help you continue to feel happy about school.
     I know that if I didn’t have the opportunity to go back to school, I wouldn’t be happy. I love being in an environment where I can learn so many different things, aside from what is being taught. Now, being in school, feeling this sense of comfort makes me eager to learn. After reading “Happiness In Education” I realized that I am on the lovemaking side of motivation in education. I enjoy doing my classwork, and going home and completing my assignments for class. When I sit in the classroom, I am prepared to listen and learn. I honestly never thought that I’d be able to get that feeling again when it came to being in school. I really can’t remember the last time I was actually happy in school, but now that I am I plan on doing my best, and proving to myself that I can be successful. Right now, there’s absolutely nothing I would change.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog 1

     In the article “The Futile Pursuit Of Happiness” by Jon Gertner, psychologist, Dan Gilbert, expresses his ideas on happiness and how people tend to predict how we will feel about certain experiences in the future. One thing I found most interesting was what he and Tim Wilson called “the impact bias”. The impact bias is when we predict how we will feel about certain things in the future and the how we end up feeling when they actually happen.
    A lot of people think that they will find true happiness in material things, or just things that they long for in the moment. They believe not only will it make them happy in the moment, but also that it will bring them a long term positive feeling. In all reality, we fail to realize that things do not always turn out the way we expect them to. Something we worked so hard for, or that we felt brought us great joy, will not always provide us with the same feeling. As it states in the article, we learn to adapt to these things, so in the long run they didn’t make us as happy as we assumed they would.
     I agree with the idea of the impact bias because in my experience as a teenager, I believed that there were so many things that I could have had that would make me happy. I wasn’t able to have everything I wanted, so I had to deal with the thought of not being happy. At the moment of not being able to get what I wanted, I was upset and felt I would be that way for a long time, when in turn I just accepted that I couldn’t get it and moved on. Later on, after graduating high school, I got my first job and I was then able to do things for myself and I didn’t have to ask anybody for anything. The first couple of months, I bought things I felt I needed to make me happy. I felt since I wasn’t able to have them then, I could have them now. What I realized is that these things didn’t really make me any more happier. I was happy when I got them but after a while, I didn’t have the same feeling of excitement that I did when I first got them. I, then, learned not to look for happiness in those areas. I know now where my true happiness lies, and it is far from what I used to believe.

Monday, September 20, 2010

All About Me...

    Hey everyone! My name is Marilyn and I'm really new to this blogging thing. I never really cared to try it out, but since my english class requires it, I'm actually really interested.
    So a little about me is I am a freshman at LaGuardia. I graduated John Bowne High School in 2008. I was in the Center For Writing program so I've been writing for a while now. I took a couple of years off of school because I was working. I am majoring in veterinary technology.
    I love to sing. I do it everyday and can't go a day without it. I sing mostly R&B music, but I do love to listen to all other types of music. It's kind of my way to express what I'm feeling inside. It helps a lot.
    I love to spend time with all of the people who are close to me because I have learned not to take the people I care about for granted, especially my family. As long as I have them, I don't need anything else.