A lot of people, today, make the mistake of following a career that, they know, may not bring them happiness in the future. In Tony Robbins video, he talks about, what he calls, the needs of the spirit. The needs of the spirit is for us to be able to grow, and to contribute beyond ourselves. I think that both of these are required when seeking a long term career, and finding that happiness with what you plan to do for the rest of your life.
So many people get confused about what they plan to do with their lives. Before I decided to major in Veterinary Technology, I had a whole list of things that I wanted to do. I wasn’t sure how I was going to decide which career was best for me. Before applying to LaGuardia, I noticed how great my love for animals is, and realized that this is something that I feel I can do and be very happy. Most people choose careers in which they feel they can make the most money, or some do it to please other people, such as their parents. I think Tony Robbins made a good point with his “needs of the spirit”, because one should always have room to grow in a career they chose out for themselves. If you plan on being there for a long time, you have to have the opportunity to better yourself in every aspect. I know that I want to be able to have that opportunity to learn many things, and grow as well. Being a vet will bring me a lot of happiness, because I know that I’m not only pleasing myself, but I will be making others happy as well, which is very important to me. I know that I will be able to contribute beyond myself, not only in my profession, but in general.
I loved this post because we're majoring in the same field and have the same problems. People have to see the joy in pursuing a career in what they see themselves as in the future.